The term "fossil fuel" refers to the track we name the plants and animals in the sedimentary rock. 矿物燃料这个词是要追溯到我们给沉积岩中的动植物的命名。
Identification method of authigenic clay mineral in sedimentary rock by SEM& XEDS GB/T17361-1998沉积岩中自生粘土矿物扫描电子显微镜及X射线能谱鉴定方法
Researchers analyzed trace elements in sedimentary rock from dozens of sites. 研究者们分析了来自许多不同地方沉积岩中的痕量元素。
Computation Method for Shale and Tuff Content in Reservoir with Pyroclastic Sedimentary Rock 火山碎屑沉积岩储层泥质与凝灰含量计算方法研究
Chemically formed sedimentary rock 化学作用形成的沉积岩
The term "fossil fuel" refers to the trapped remains of plants and animals in sedimentary rock. 所谓“化石燃料”是指在沉积岩中植物和动物的残骸。
A sedimentary rock formed of coarse-grained material. 一种由粗颗粒物质形成的沉积岩。
Danxia Landforms consist of red sedimentary rock and steep cliffs. 丹霞上由红色的沉积岩和陡峭的山崖组成。
A kind of sedimentary rock resembling limestone but consisting almost entirely of the mineral dolomite. 一种类似石灰石的沉积岩,但几乎全部由矿物白云石构成。
A very hard, dense, even-textured, silica-bearing sedimentary rock used in whetstones. This is a cliff composed of quartz sandstone that is well bedded. 均密石英岩非常坚硬,致密,结构均匀,含硅的沉积岩,用作磨石由石英砂岩构成的悬崖,岩石层理发育。
Sedimentary rock covering older crystalline layers. The channel is overlain by siltstone and lenticular beds of limestone. 沉淀岩覆在旧的水晶状层之上的沉积岩石河道上面覆盖着粉砂岩和石灰岩透晶体。
A sedimentary rock differing from shale in being bound by silica and from slate in having no slate cleavages. 一种沉积岩,因有硅土粘合而区别于页岩,又因没有石板裂缝而区别于板岩。
The Q value of sedimentary rock is one of them. 沈积岩的Q值就是其中之一。
The major component of the sedimentary rock called shale is clay, an earthy, fine-grained material consisting primary of a particular group of crystalline minerals. 被称为页岩的沉积岩的主要成分是粘土,一种土质的,有细密纹理的材料,主要包含一组特殊的水晶矿物质。
A sedimentary rock formed by the deposition of successive layers of clay. 沉积岩没有形成穹丘。一种由粘土逐层沉积而成的沉积岩。
The undissolved potassium mineral deposits is mainly classified to the sedimentary rock and the igneous rock. 河南不溶性钾矿主要属于沉积岩型和火成岩型。
Clay minerals distribute extensively in various slopes made of sedimentary rock, weathering profiles of igneous rock, metamorphic rock and sedimentary rock and colluvial deposits. 粘土矿物广泛分布于原生沉积岩、三大岩类风化带及第四系松散堆积物构成的斜坡中。
High Resolution Magnetostratigraphy in the North of Qaidam Basin and the Sedimentary Response to Tectonic Since Late Cenozoic; Bedding is the most important structural feature of sedimentary rock. 柴达木盆地北缘晚新生代精细磁性地层学与沉积对构造的响应层理是沉积岩最主要的构造特征。
A sedimentary rock consisting of sand consolidated with some cement ( clay or quartz etc.). 一种由用水泥(粘土或石英等)固化的沙构成的沉积岩。
Discovery of Authigenic Rare Earth Mineral-Monazite in Precambrian Sedimentary Rock of Dalian Area and its Significance 大连地区前寒武纪沉积岩中发现自生独居石及其意义
A very common sedimentary rock is called shale, which is a soft rock and was obviously formed by being deposited on the sea bed. 一种十分常见的水成岩叫油页岩,他是一种很软的岩石,很明显是因为被压积在海底而后形成的。
A sedimentary rock consisting mainly of calcium that was deposited by the remains of marine animals. 一种沉积岩,主要由海洋生物遗体中的钙构成。
The characteristics of sedimentary rock and reservoir of oil and gas of Cambrian System in Sichuan Basin 四川盆地寒武系沉积成岩特征与油气储集性
Influence of moisture contents on mechanical properties of sedimentary rock and its bursting potential 含水量对沉积岩力学性质及其冲击倾向性的影响
Aeolian-genesis comparability of aggraded red earth in south China with loess in north China; a sedimentary rock formed by the deposition of successive layers of clay. 第四纪加积型红土与黄土的风成相似性探讨一种由粘土逐层沉积而成的沉积岩。
A mass of igneous rock intruded between layers of sedimentary rock, resulting in uplift. Favorable reservoirs may be composed of sandstones, conglomerates basement metamorphic buried hills, and volcanic rocks. 岩盖一种侵入沉积岩岩层之间的火成岩,它会产生隆起砂岩、砾岩、基底变质岩潜山,火山岩均可形成良好储层。
Research for the diagenetic lithofacies is based on sedimentary facies, which stress on the observation of diagenetic characteristics in sedimentary rock. 经镜下成岩特征分析,哈得逊地区石炭系含油气储集层,可划分为六种成岩岩相。
Bedding is the most important structural feature of sedimentary rock. 层理是沉积岩最主要的构造特征。
Likewise, the layered beds on Mars may be sedimentary rock formed in ancient lakes and seas. 所以火星的千层榚地貌,很可能是古湖或古海沈积物所形成的沈积岩。
Coal is a sedimentary rock composed principally of organic carbonaceous macerals and inorganic minerals. 煤是一种有机沈淀岩,主要包括有机碳化合物和无机矿物。